Italian Courses Newcastle
How does it work?
Choose the perfect course for you
When you have decided which course package is best for you, we will ask you for a few more details such as your course level (beginner, elementary, intermediate or advanced), the duration of your course and your preferred weekly timetable.
We find you a great native teacher
Once we have received your booking, we will begin arranging your teacher in Newcastle immediately - this process can take a few days.
The instructor comes to your place to teach
The teacher will come to your home or office to deliver the lessons provided if you live or work close to the centre. If your home or work address is far from the centre then you will be required to have the lessons at the teacher's home or in a public location, like a quiet café or library.
3 simple steps to book your course
About Newcastle
Newcastle is a busy city of approximately 200,000 people and a nightlife that draws visitors from all around England. The people of Newcastle are predominantly of white, British origin, but there are a growing number of families from China, India and Pakistan living within the city. The city is instantly recognizable by one of its preeminent landmarks, the Tyne Bridge.