Archive for the ‘German’ Category

3 Books To Get You Excited About Berlin!

Posted on March 17th, 2015by Heather Keagan
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Berlin, a city once divided in two, still has clear remnants of the wall’s effects today. The more you know about Berlin’s history, its people and the attitudes that have existed there over the last 70 years, the better you can appreciate the city itself. We’ve compiled a small list of books to give you better insight on exactly that, so sit down, grab a cuppa, and get inspired by this fantastic historical hub through literature:

By Lin Kristensen from New Jersey, USA (Timeless Books) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

By Lin Kristensen from New Jersey, USA (Timeless Books) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

1. The Wall Jumper: A Berlin Story, by Peter Schneider.

The Wall Jumper highlights and examines the differences for those living in a bisected Berlin during the time of the Berlin Wall. The story is told through an anonymous narrator, who seems to know people or has had encounters with people who have crossed over the wall. Collecting stories from East Berliners and West Berliners, the narrator shows only his own bias and allows you to make your own opinion on the tales he relates.

The stories range in emotion and purpose, from the seriousness of those escaping the East to family in the West, to the lightheartedness of those simply wanting to watch Western movies. The tone throughout the novel remains quite sombre though there are moments of jocularity. Throughout the reader is reminded of the political climate that the narrator lives in.

The Wall Jumper is an interesting novel that gives you some insight into the history of Berlin before the fall of the wall. That time may have passed but its effects can still be easily seen in the city today. While not a long read, it will give you an unique view of how life was for many Berlin locals post World War II.


2. Slumberland, by Paul Beatty.

Something entirely different to the previous choice is Paul Beatty’s ‘Slumberland’. The narrator here is DJ Darky, and African-American music enthusiast who is on the search for a famous jazz musician called the Schwa.  He’s really done his homework in hunting the Schwa down, and we learn a lot about racial attitudes in Germany during this pivotal time based on DJ Darky’s informative breakdown of what he’s found. For what it’s worth, he finds the Schwa in a bar in West Berlin, just before the fall of the wall in 1989.

The writing of this novel is humourous, raw, adversarial, and unique. DJ Darky makes his way through Berlin working at a bar where he encounters black foreigners like himself who have their own take on German society, as well as the white women who mainly want to sleep with him. The novel is racially driven and will tell you as much about Berlin as it may tell you about yourself and shine a light on your thoughts on race, identity and culture. Read this funny novel out for an interesting break from some of the more emotionally heavy stories out there.


3. Pavel & I, by Dan Vyleta.

A dark love story/drama/comedy/tale of epic proportions, this novel is not one to be overlooked. Set during the coldest winter on record in postwar Berlin (1946-47), the story follows a decommissioned GI named Pavel Richter and his fortuitous friendship with an orphan named Anders. The story starts off with a dead Russian soldier in a frozen apartment and gets crazier and wildly more interesting with every page turned.

As a reader, you really get a feel for how Berlin struggles and suffers after World War II. Vyleta depicts a city that is battling to get through the mire, sometimes with indifference, sometimes with hatred, sometimes with overwhelming passion. Without giving too much away this novel has it all; violence, sex, murder, and heartbreaking betrayal. What’s not to love?


Did these titles get you excited about Berlin, its culture, history and language? Speaking German will elevate your understanding of the city’s – and country’s – intricacies. Why not contact us and see what German courses we have available in your area?

4 Tips for Surviving A German Christmas Market

Posted on December 22nd, 2014by Heather Keagan
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Christmas time means Christmas markets, and Germany’s Weihnachtsmarkt is the best. You’ll find yourself wandering down newly made streets of little wooden stalls selling amazing handicrafts, useless souvenirs, homemade honey, homemade wine, homemade cakes… homemade everything! If you’re looking for a good souvenir or a uniquely made Christmas present, you won’t be disappointed. Make sure you come prepared though. We’ve made a list of tips and tricks to make sure you get the best experience possible. Fröhliche Weihnachten and happy Christmas market hunting!

Photo by Nenyaki/Flickr

Photo by Nenyaki/Flickr

Pack the right bag

You need a bag that isn’t too big but has plenty of pockets. Christmas markets are busy and crowded, and you’ll want to be able to store your purchases in multiple pockets to keep them separate from your phone and your cash. It’s important too, to make sure that your cash is in a place that’s hard for you to get to, which will mean it will be hard for pickpockets to get to as well. Don’t bring a backpack, as it will just hold you back in the crowds, and it’ll be difficult for you to get in and out of as you shop through the amazing handicrafts you’re bound to find.

Fingerless gloves are your new best friend

You need something that will keep your hands warm, but will still allow you to eat, pay for your purchases, drink your Gluhwein, and maybe check your phone without taking them off. I would recommend normal gloves with fingerless gloves on top, but only if you don’t plan on checking your phone all that often. Don’t wear mittens. They will simply get in the way of all the eating, drinking, purchasing and photo taking.

Photo by Roxnstix/Flickr

Photo by Roxnstix/Flickr

Find the best Gluhwein and make that HQ

Gluhwein is amazing. In English, it’s called mulled wine and it is the best part of any Christmas market. The first thing you’ll want to do when you get to a Christmas market is find the perfect mug of hot, fruity wine. Based on experience, you’ll want to look for the longest line, or people working the stall who look generally rushed off their feet – this is where you’ll find the best Gluhwein (or alternatively the best Wurst). Make this your HQ. If your group gets separated, you meet back there. Every lap that you do, you head back to that stand for a Gluhwein refill. You’ll thank yourself for making this your first priority, because the Gluhwein will help fight off the cold and stop you from buying as many things, as one hand will always be full!

Go on an empty stomach

Christmas markets are full of tasty, hearty, delicious foods. You’ll find multiple stalls offering amazing Wurst, Christstollen (amazing cake),  Lebkuchen (yummy cookies), as well as different stews and baked goods. You can eat like a king and the smells will have your mouth watering and your tummy grumbling. Budget a little extra money for this part of the market. You won’t regret buying some tasty food here, and though it might be a bit pricy, your taste buds will thank you for it!

If you’re looking to go exploring the markets this Christmas time it’ll be handy to have a few phrases under your belt. Contact us today to find German courses and make the most of your trip!


More Than Just Gluhwein? German Christmas Traditions

Posted on December 11th, 2014by Heather Keagan
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You may know that the Christmas tree originated in Germany, but do you know about St. Nikolas’ Day? German Christmas traditions may not seem all that strange, but they are interesting and a little quirky. We’ve compiled a list of the most interesting (and weirdly similar to the Western world’s):

The Christkind

Germany’s Christkind (or Christ-child in English) is the one who brings the gifts on the 24th of December.  The Christkind is usually depicted angelically, with blonde hair and delicate features. No one ever sees the Christkind dropping off the presents.  Parents tell their waiting children that the Christkind will not come if they try to sneak a peek. When the Christkind leaves, a small bell can be heard (or at least parents pretend to have heard it), signalling the time to open presents has arrived!

Every year a Christkind look alike is chosen in Nürnberg, and it may surprise you to learn that it’s a girl, with long curly blonde hair.  She is dressed in a gold and white dress, and has different duties that come along with her position. She participates in Christmas parades, and opens the Christmas Market or Weihnachtsmarkt on the Friday before Advent starts (four weeks before Christmas). She also visits hospitals, nursing homes, and appears in some obligatory television appearances for the holiday season.

St. Nikolas’s Day

St. Nikolas’s Day falls on December 6th, and is celebrated in Poland, Holland, France and Malta (to name a few), as well as Germany. In Germany children write letters to St. Nikolas asking for presents.  On the 5th of December, they put a Nikolaus Stiefel or Nikolas boot, outside their front door (nowadays they can also be found outside their bedroom door, or at the foot of their bed). If they have been good throughout the year, St. Nikolas will fill their boot with fruit, chocolate and candies. If they’ve been naughty, they end up with a stick, called a Rute. St. Nikolas has a big book that holds the naughty and nice list (much like the Western idea of Santa), which he checks before filling up the boots.

In areas with a larger population of Catholics, St. Nikolas is dressed as a bishop, with a long beard and rides a horse into town to greet all the children who have been good.  In Bavaria, he hangs out with Knecht Ruprecht; a kind of helper who follows him around, and often carries a cane or staff and a bag of ashes. If you appear on the naughty list, he covers you in ashes from his bag, or he might feel inclined to beat you with a stick. An easy way to encourage naughty children to behave!

Die Sternsinger

Photo by Norbert Staudt/Flickr

Photo by Norbert Staudt/Flickr

Translated as ‘Star Singers’, this specific German tradition (which is also particularly active in Austria and Switzerland), doesn’t take place until the Epiphany, on the 6th of January. It starts with a house blessing, which those who celebrate the Epiphany have the local priest place on or above their door in chalk. The blessing consists of the year, and the phrase C+M+B (so for this year, you would see 20* C+M+B+15). These letters represent each of the Wise Men (Magi); Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar.

The tradition of Sternsinger started around the 1500s, but today is used as more of a charity fundraiser. Young boys and girls will dress up as the Magi/Wise Men and will carry a large staff with a star at the top, sing throughout town and move from house to house. It’s a bit like the idea of carolling. At each house the singers ask for donations to a local charity, and in some towns the Sternsinger themselves inscribe the blessing on the house.

Think you know every word to Stille Nacht, or O Tannenbaum? Why not sign up for one of our German courses, and start your journey to knowledge in both the language, as well as its country’s Christmas traditions!

3 Fantastic German Novels and the Authors Behind Them

Posted on September 25th, 2014by Heather Keagan
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Germany and Austria have produced some of the most amazing minds in literature. As you read German fiction you will notice it often takes a bitterly realistic turn towards the darker side of life; the subconscious, death, sadness, the ugly side of human nature. Not all German fiction is dark though. German fiction by its nature is existential, and is supposed to make you question your world view, and your position in it. Deep to the core, German literature will leave a lasting impression. Check out our list of German authors and their books that you should definitely read:

Charlotte Roche – Feuchtgebiete (Wetlands)

Charlotte Roche is a British-German author and television presenter who currently lives in Germany. A wild child of sorts, she had her own band which fell apart rather quickly. After that she began experimenting with shock entertainment, delving into self mutilation in order to paint with blood, and even more recently,  offering to sleep with the German president, Christian Wulff if he agreed to veto a law that would extend the life of nuclear reactors.

Her novel Feuchtgebiete (Wetlands in English) is an amazingly intense novel. It’s sexual to the extreme and so graphic at points you may find yourself putting the book away. It was Amazon’s best selling novel in 2008, and it’s easy to see why. Feuchtgebiete pushes every boundary you can imagine while still staying within a comfortable reality. It is perverse, hilariously funny, and heartbreakingly sad. You will cringe, and you will feel incredibly confused and slightly attracted to the characters and stories in this novel, and because of that it is definitely not to be overlooked.

Franz Kafka – Die Verwandlung (The Metamorphosis)

Franz Kafka was so influential and revolutionary with his writing that you may be familiar with the term Kafkaesque, which is often used to describe situations or works of fiction that have a bizarre, nightmarish or illogical quality about them. Kafka was not actually German: he was born to Jewish parents in what is now Prague but was at the time part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Kafka studied to be a lawyer and worked at an insurance firm after graduating. He initially began writing short stories in his spare time, though as time passed he considered it to be his true calling. Very few of his works were actually published before his death, and he asked that his manuscripts be destroyed on his death bed. His wishes, however, were never carried out, and much of his work was published posthumously.

Die Verwandlung, (The Metamorphosis) is one of Kafka’s most famous and most bizarre works of fiction. It was published in 1915 and tells the story of a travelling salesman named Gregor Samsa, who wakes up one day to find he has been turned into a giant insect. Kafka doesn’t give a reason for the transformation and simply goes on to tell the struggles Samsa has in trying to adapt to his new body in a world where his family is repulsed by his transformation. It’s a little heavy, but an amazing read. It bounces back and forth from idea, to stream of consciousness, with a mixture of the completely bizarre contrasted with everyday life. This strange novella is definitely a must-read for the adventurous.

Alfred Döblin – Berlin Alexanderplatz

Döblin is a huge figure in the German modernist movement. His writing varied in genre from historical fiction to sci-fi. He wrote novels, plays, letters and essays on religion, politics, art and society. The entirety of his works is enormous, and were written and published between 1915 and 1945.

Born in Poland to a Jewish family, he moved to Berlin when he was 10 years old and lived there until he was forced into exile when the Nazi party rose to power. Once World War II began, he fled to Los Angeles and converted to Catholicism. After the war he returned to West Germany and, following that, went to France where he died.

Berlin Alexanderplatz was written in 1915 and is one of his most important works. It’s a chaotic novel that tells the story of Franz Bieberkopf. Bieberkopf has been through some serious stuff, all of which you find out about as the story unfolds, but all we know for sure is that he’s trying to reform himself and it is not an easy task. The novel is written as if you are inside Bieberkopf’s head, experiencing everything as he experiences it. Döblin leaves nothing out, from the things Bieberkopf sees to the flashbacks he experiences. The novel takes you on a pretty intense ride, but the twists and turns make it completely worth it. You’ll find yourself wondering if the people in Bieberkopf’s life are the problem, or if Bieberkopf should shoulder most of the blame. Either way, the novel is a fantastic, albeit sometimes difficult, read.

All of these novels are available in German as well as English for those beginner German speakers out there. Being able to read the work in the original German is always better, so why not contact us to see what courses we have available for you in your area?

5 Must-Try Austrian Dishes

Posted on June 17th, 2014by Heather Keagan
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Austrian food is delicious, heart-warming and comforting. Some dishes are best eaten when its pouring down rain, or blisteringly cold outside, while others are beautifully light and refreshing for a spring or summer picnic. There are some staples, mainly meat and potatoes, which you will find in most dishes. Don’t let that dissuade you though! Vegetarians will also find something to make their mouth water! Have a look at some key dishes that you wouldn’t certainly be remiss to not have tasted  at some point in your life.

1. Warm Potato Salad

This kind of potato salad is radically different from what we’re used to in North America. This is best served warm (not hot), and consists of boiled potatoes (new or baby potatoes usually, but not always), red onion, apple cider vinegar, oil (I’ve always had pumpkin seed), salt, pepper and something like baby spinach. The end result is crave-able and will have you coming back for seconds and thirds. Even cold, it’s delicious.


2. Gröstl

This may be one of the tastiest fry ups I’ve come across. You throw bacon/ham, eggs, potatoes, onion parsley, paprika and salt and pepper in a big skillet and then you fry it all together with some olive oil and voilà! You have an amazing breakfast or lunch that is traditionally eaten on mountain climbs or just after.  It’s not a fussy dish, but this is one that will warm your heart and keep your belly full and satiated for a long time.

3. Kärntner Kasnudeln

These are a bit like dumplings stuffed with Bröseltopfen (a kind of fresh cheese), potato, sour cream, herbs like mint and parsley, onion and salt and pepper. Its freshness and light texture make it an easy meal to pair with other heavier additions like sausages or pork or it can be enjoyed all on its own with some yummy dark rye bread. Often you’ll have it served with fried, fatty bacon pieces on top, to add a little extra flavour.

4. Salzburger Nockerl

This dessert is a bit like a meringue but with so much more going for it. There’s more body and substance as well as more flavour. Lemon and vanilla complement each other to make this ‘snow capped’ treat a delicious mixture of sweet and light while still having substance. Definitely give these a try when ordering dessert. You won’t be disappointed.

5. Sachertorte

The chocolate cake to eat when in Austria, Sachertorte is famous for its light layers of sponge cake that still manages to be rich and decadent.  In between each layer of sponge cake there is a thin layer of apricot jam, a taste that initially is hard to place, and the whole lovely thing is covered in a delicious dark chocolate icing. Paired with a cup of coffee, this cake is heaven on a plate.

Photo by AlMare

Photo by AlMare

Want to know how to order these beautiful dishes in German? Why not check out Language Museum’s German classes?

Good Times in Germany: Three Popular Activities to Take Part In

Posted on December 11th, 2013by Melanie
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Shopping, eating, drinking and sightseeing…these activities are enjoyed by most of us, but none do it in quite the same style as the Germans! Here are three recommend activities for you to try during your trip to Germany. You’ll see from some of the references that, whilst German and English both belong to the West Germanic family of languages, the words couldn’t be more different in the way they sound and how they are written. So, if you’re planning a trip to Germany, polish up on your pronunciation before you go!

1.      German Christmas Markets

If you’re lucky enough to visit Germany at the end of November to December, you’ll be able to get into the Christmas spirit by visiting a German Christmas market (Weihnachtsmarkt). Soak up the magical atmosphere of these traditional markets while you shop for genuine handcrafted items, drink mulled wine (glühwein), taste the baked apples and smell the hot chestnuts. Kids will enjoy the gingerbread biscuits, known as Lebkuchen, and marzipan sweets. Christmas markets are dotted around all over the country, from spectacular city markets to smaller, more romantic village markets.

Six Christmas markets are held in Cologne each year, including a floating Christmas market on the Rhine, and a vast market where hundreds of stalls line the brightly lit streets and Rhineland’s largest Christmas tree (Tannenbaum) is proudly displayed. The one held at Rudolfplatz, next to the medieval gate houses, holds a special Brothers Grimm street parade each year with giant costumed characters. Heinzelmannchen Gnomes are said to keep watch over the markets to make sure that everything offered there is genuine. So for traditional German handicrafts, good food and an amazing atmosphere, the German Christmas markets will take some beating!

2.      Beer Festivals 219

Now that you’ve done all that hard work of Christmas shopping you must be exhausted, so some light refreshment is just what you need! An ice-cold glass (and a very large one at that) of German beer (bier) will be waiting for you to gulp down in one of the many cosy taverns. With their popular beers being sold worldwide, Germans certainly knows how to drink it in style.

For a lively night out, visit the world’s most famous beer hall, Hofbräuhaus, in Munich where you’ll soak up the atmosphere as well as copious beers served in one litre glasses while listening to live music with about 4,500 other people! If one beer hall is just not enough to satisfy you, then the 14 halls at Oktoberfest surely will! Wash sausage and sauerkraut down with your Oktoberfest beer as you take part in the world’s largest fair.

3.      The Black Forest 22 June 2006</p>
<p>A village on the edge of the Black Forest

If something a little quieter is on your agenda, then the rolling hills of the Black Forest are for you. Schwarzwald is full of lush forests, tiny villages and valleys. Take in the scenery as you drive through or maybe hire a bike to blow the cobwebs away. One of the most popular tours is German Clock Road where you can delve into the history of the cuckoo clock (Kuckucksuhr). Or sample some German grapes along the Wine Route (weinstraße). Whatever you do though, don’t leave the area without trying some of its namesake, some delicious Black Forest gâteau! Bite into a gorgeous slice of chocolate, kirsch, cherries and cream to make your trip complete.

Are you ready to make all these activities a part of your life? Then get ready to make these German words part of your vocabulary! Have a good time with the locals by practising your German before you go.

What other must-see attractions can you recommend in Germany?


Fluency or Functionality?

Posted on November 22nd, 2013by Melanie
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DictionariesA new report was recently issued regarding the languages spoken in the UK…or rather, the lack of them. The British Council’s report states that not enough people in the UK have sufficient abilities and skills in foreign languages, and that this “alarming shortage” will result in the UK missing out on cultural and economic benefits, gradually diminishing our global standing.

This type of report is not really news to most people though. In schools, the rate of foreign languages being studied had drastically declined, although this trend is already starting to turn with the introduction of the EBacc. As well as that, it will be compulsory from children aged 7 to14 to be taught a foreign language from next year.

A YouGov poll showed that 75% of the UK adults questioned were unable to hold a conversation in any of the ‘top ten’ languages deemed necessary for the UK’s future prosperity. Of these ten languages, 15% could speak French, 6% German, 4% Spanish and 2% Italian, while the remaining languages (Mandarin Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, Arabic, Turkish and Japanese) were spoken by 1% of people, if that. Many say that Brits are too lazy to learn languages but it’s more the case that English is considered to be the ‘universal language’ with little need to learn any other languages. Even so, a challenge was recently released to encourage everyone to learn 1,000 words of a foreign language.

Often, too much stress is put on the need to become fluent in another language, and this can sometimes deter people from learning a new language. John Worne, from the British Council, has argued against this, commenting that it’s better to be functional in a language rather than being fluent in it. He stated that, “‘Fluent’ is an inhibitor, ‘functional’ is a liberator”, believing that people can get further, faster by making a start with new opportunities using just a few words and phrases.

The authors of the report believe that businesses should invest in language training where it will directly benefit them, and that the number of minority languages in the UK should be utilized in education.

Which of the ‘top ten’ languages can you speak, and would you consider yourself to be fluent or functional in that language?

Celebrities Converse in Foreign Languages (Part Two)

Posted on October 27th, 2013by Melanie
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One DirectionAthletes are well known for speaking foreign languages as it helps them when travelling for their sport, and many are actually able to conduct interviews in their second language. Top ranking tennis player, Novak Djokovic, learned German as his third language after practising there and is continuously learning more languages so that he can understand what’s going on around him when he travels, and also to satisfy his love of linguistics. As well as his native French, Arsène Wenger, the manager of Arsenal football club, can speak an incredible five languages including English, German, Italian, Spanish and some Japanese. He strongly believes in the benefits that languages can have in people’s careers and is quick to promote language learning.

A great role model for younger people is the group One Direction who have taken it upon themselves to learn the 20 most common words of the language of each of the countries they’re due to visit whilst on tour. The group made this decision after a trip to Japan which was a huge culture shock for them and became embarrassing during a press conference due to the language barrier; they realized that they needed to give more to their fans than just their musical talents by making an extra effort to communicate with them in their own languages.

Having role models such as actors, musicians and sportspeople to look up to is a great way to be inspired to learn a new language, and they are keen to promote the benefits that speaking another language has had for them. Could you be encouraged by their examples to learn a new language?

Celebrities Converse in Foreign Languages (Part One)

Posted on October 26th, 2013by Melanie
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Johhny Depp 3If you aspire to be like your favourite celebrity then you should consider learning a new language; you’d be surprised at how many celebrities are fluent in more than just their native tongue.

With a French wife, a house and even his own vineyard in France, it goes without saying that the actor Johnny Depp is fluent in the French language. Likewise, fellow actor Orlando Bloom, whose parents owned a language school in Kent when he was a child, also boasts French as his second language.  The actor and stand-up comedian, Eddie Izzard is currently on tour promoting foreign languages in ‘Force Majeure’ where he actually conducts each show in the language of the country he’s currently touring.

Actress Gwyneth Paltrow completed a Spanish exchange trip when she was a teenager and still continues to speak Spanish whenever she can, even co-starring with Antonio Banderas in a Spanish film. Sandra Bullock, whose mother was German, became fluent in the language when she travelled with her mother, an opera singer, on European opera tours as a child and spent time with her aunt and grandmother in Nuremberg and Salzburg. Natalie Portman, on the other hand, can speak a whopping five languages (and is fluent in two of these) including French, German, Spanish, Japanese and Hebrew! Being born in Jerusalem, Israel, with an Israeli father and an American mother, she was lucky enough to become fluent in Hebrew and English at an extremely early age.

Far from just the glamour and hype of their careers, many celebrities are fluent in one, if not more, foreign language and have been able to use them to their advantage both in their careers and their personal lives. Who is your favourite celebrity linguist and how has their story inspired you to learn a new language?

Getting to Grips with Global Languages

Posted on September 20th, 2013by Melanie
In Speech | Leave a Comment »

Global languagesHow many different nationalities of people are you friends with? Not even friends, but acquainted with. Just browse through your Facebook account alone for a quick count, I think you´ll be surprised.

The world is getting smaller thanks to mediums such as the Internet, and it’s commonplace to have a diverse group of acquaintances who’ve originated from all over the world. Sixteen. That´s the number of nationalities amongst my Facebook friends, including Spanish, Danish, German, South African, Dutch, Chilean and Venezuelan, among others. Living in Spain, I used to work for a travel company which is how most of us became friends. Years later, we’re all still in touch and dotted around the world, as are many of my old school friends.

No longer held back by restrictions between countries and with the ease of travelling, we are able to explore new horizons and fulfil our dreams. We can travel abroad to discover new countries and experience their cultures, we are able to relocate in order to work abroad, retiring abroad is now a popular choice, and there are opportunities to study abroad. With so many options open to us, it’s hardly surprising that our friends and colleagues are a diverse bunch! And this diversity has led to an increase in language studies, as the need to communicate across the globe has become so commonplace and so necessary. Language courses have sprung up everywhere and are catered towards ease of accessibility and modern approaches to learning.

Have you studied another language in order to further your career or to live abroad? Has the need arisen for you to learn a new language for the sake of a partner or friend? Take a look around you and take note of all the nationalities that have become a part of your life.