Russian Controversy
Posted on December 26th, 2012by jake
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A series of Russian textbooks have caused a stir because of a language learning exercise, an example of which can be found below.
A policeman says in Russian: “I work a lot, sometimes even too much. … Winter or summer, rain or shine, I go from a bank to a store, from a store to a restaurant, from a restaurant to a market, looking for where to take money.”
The idea of the textbooks is for students to spot the mistake within the sentence, but a United Russia lawmaker believes that the texts could tarnish Russia’s image abroad. As well as corrupt policemen taking money, another passage features a drug taking professor who complains that ‘stupid girl students don’t come’ to his lectures. The authors of the textbooks are said to be astounded at the controversy as the first edition of the book was published a decade ago and the books are clearly labelled for adult learning. The issue has polarised opinion with some finding the texts a humorous and refreshing change from many Russian language textbooks still in print from the Soviet era, whereas others believe language textbooks should take a more serious, academic approach. Do you mind a little humour with your language learning?
via: The Moscow Times